“If you are the son of your country, discover your country, be proud of humanity, work on strengthening and prosperity of the unified Kazakh national state. Do not forget that you are the master of both the land and the country!”

 Independence! Yes, this is a sacred concept that you can be proud of by lifting your chest. Not just a concept, but a very valuable concept. «Independence» is the pride of every person. When I talk about this sacred concept, I have a feeling of joy and sadness, pride and suffering. Independence is an enduring pillar of the nation, language, traditions, customs, strength, the golden rod, the star of the people. Independence is a dream!There are so many nationalities on earth, so many dreams.This dream has come true for the Kazakh people. 1991 is the year of the first step of our country to the whole world under the name of Kazakhstan.30 years have passed since that moment. Modern Kazakhstan enjoys a well-deserved reputation on the world stage.In such a short period of time, our young state has achieved many major economic, political and social successes.Today, Kazakhstan, being a young state, is far ahead of many countries. Sustainable development of the country, ensuring national security and accelerated development of our economy are the main strategic directions at present.New jobs are being created in the country, socio-economic problems of cities and regions are being solved. Today independence is a special sacred day for all of us.For almost a quarter of a century, an independent country has managed to with stand the challenges of financial crises, embarked on the path of sustainable development, reached high heights, achieved many successes, and became one of the 30 competitive countries in the world. The strategic programs of the Head of State for the development of the country are being implemented ahead of schedule. This is the time when we answer questions, summarize the past years, reflect on the present and future of our state, which has strengthened in the formation of Eternal Country. Day of Unity, Solidarity and Peace. The independence of our state is, first of all, the happiness of our people. In the early years, the priority goals were to strengthen sovereignty, ensure national security, and respond to challenges in the economy. Therefore, I think that today our people need to pay special attention to the further patriotic education of young people, without losing the historical past, patriotism, and love for their nation. Since the declaration of independence, we have achieved many significant successes. The peace and security of our country, the unity and cooperation of the multinational people of Kazakhstan are the result of the wise and far-sighted policy pursued by our President. Kazakhstan is the place of the ancestors of the Kazakh people, an ancient settlement. Do not forget that our country is unique not only for the richness of nature, but, above all, for people of different nationalities. Today, evaluating peaceful and sunny days, striving for new heights should become the direction of our generation.

Our people managed to resist even in the troubled 90s, at the very beginning of our independence. The people are rich in their famous daughters and sons, scientists, cultural figures, athletes.

Thirty years of independence can be divided into three decades. Each of them carries the weight of the century in terms of the mission being performed. I would call the first decade of liberation the period of laying the foundation of a new Kazakhstan. At that time, under the leadership of the Head of State, the symbols of the state were designated, a system of power was formed. Our national currency has entered into circulation. Our Armed Forces were created. The Law was adopted. Diplomatic relations with foreign countries have been established. The country has become a member of reputable international organizations.We have adopted the Strategy «Kazakhstan-2030». We have strengthened the border with our neighbor to the east. Negotiations on the border with other neighboring States began to be intensively conducted. We have completely cleared the country of nuclear weapons. We moved the capital to the arch. By moving to a market economy, we have strengthened the institution of private property. Young people started studying in the best educational institutions in the world. A National fund has been created to help survive various crises.The second decade is a period of expansion of the Kazakh statehood. Over the years, the positions of our state have strengthened, our economic potential has grown. We have legislated all borders on land. We have implemented the Cultural Heritage program, conducted an inventory of history.  We have initiated congresses of leaders of world and traditional religions, summits of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, meetings on interaction and confidence-building measures in Asia and a number of other important international projects. We have attracted significant investments from abroad to our country. Our capital, built on the shores of Yesil, has become our national idea. Major infrastructure projects have been launched, such as the Western Europe-Western China international corridor. Housing construction has also developed at an unprecedented pace.Over the third decade, our house has grown, has become a jubilee state. We have solved the border issue once and for all. We decided to adopt the Strategy «Kazakhstan — 2050» and enter the top thirty developed countries of the world.It is worth noting that today we see the result of the tireless work of our people.

In this regard, I would like to congratulate our people on Independence Day, I want to wish them good health, male patience, because the world society is going through difficult times and crisis phenomena also affect our population. But I am convinced that even better times are ahead of us. I hope that our descendants will celebrate 50, 60, and 100 years of our independence.Gaining independence is only an initial step. The future of our Motherland is in our hands. If each of us gives a piece of his soul to our country, our Republic will continue to develop! If all the nations in our country unite, we will overcome all the difficulties we will face on our way!

Gulbakhram ANVAROVA,

English teacher at  Dardamty secondary school


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